Minnie McCartan has lived in Ridgefield for 13 years and is a busy mom of 4, Maddie (12) Lily (10) Kasey (8) and Gray (7).
She is also the woman along with her oldest daughter who have launched, The Gift Card Project in Ridgefield.
This initiative gives people the opportunity to give back to our Ridgefield businesses while thanking the healthcare workers that are currently working so hard to help us. “During this pandemic two questions kept popping up the last 6+ weeks. What can we do to help in this time of need? And how can we say thank you to those on the frontline?” This was the answer to both of those questions.
The concept is simple. People buy gift cards from Ridgefield Businesses. They send the gift cards to us and we donate them. 100% of the donation goes directly to a medical worker serving the Ridgefielders.
The Gift Card Project was started by moms in Guilford, one of whom is Maddie’s aunt. They’ve seen great success, infusing over $12,000 back into their local businesses. We wanted to use this model to specifically help Ridgefield Small Businesses and say thank you directly to those the community. As Ridgefield Moms, we all directly know first hand how generous these businesses are in giving to our schools, charities and community organizations. Now is a critical time for us to give back. The purchase of a gift card may just be the financial boost they need to stay afloat during this tough stretch. To learn more visit: TheGiftCardProject06877.com.
“I have witnessed first hand how hugely generous our town is, said Minnie”. We really are in this together. So many have been eager to help and instrumental in spreading the word. Please consider making a donation, any amount helps the local businesses that make Ridgefield such a special community. And more importantly, please spread the word!