Where to Purchase Cloth Face Masks Online! - Ridgefield Moms

Residents in Connecticut will be required to wear a cloth face covering in public spaces beginning Monday, April 20 at 8 p.m., if they are in a space where they cannot maintain a safe social distance. This includes places like pharmacies, grocery stores, public transportation and taxis.

The CDC has recommended the same, saying this is meant to slow the spread of the virus and help people who may have the virus and do not know it from transmitting it to others.

If you’re looking to purchase cloth face masks, several online retailers are now selling them. Some of them in fun patterns and many are even giving back for each purchase made or simply charging to cover the expenses of making the masks.

We have a list a few of our favorite places to purchase these masks, below:

Our favorite Brooklyn based designer is making masks to donate to hospital & healthcare workers while also selling both Adult & Children’s sizes in a variety of fun fabrics!
Sammy + Nat
Child & adult masks available. Proceeds go to @wearFIGS Frontline Responders FUND.
Shop from a variety of masks from Lucy’s & for each purchased Sanctuary & they will donate packs of medical grade masks to hospitals in the LA area!

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