Meet-a-Mom Kiera Somers - Ridgefield Moms



Where are you from originally and how long have you lived in town?

I’m originally from Westchester County. We have lived in Ridgefield for 2 1/2 years now. 


One thing people would be surprised to know about you

I’ve always loved and been involved in sports. I played professional women’s, full-contact American football for the Lingerie Football League. I played for both the New York and Baltimore teams. Our games were aired on MTV 2 and we got to travel the country a bit. It was a blast!


Favorite things to do in your free time?

I grew up riding horses competitively. I love to ride still and try to get on horseback as much as I possibly can. I also live on the hiking trails in town and try to hike with my dog, a mini Australian Shepherd named “Moose,” 4-5x a week. I try to stay as active as possible! I also love kayaking and rock climbing…but life is about balance, so let’s not forget pizza night! Pizza is probably my favorite pastime, above all else.


Are you involved in a business venture, a local organization, a creative endeavor, or in the corporate world? Please share!

I am a Certified Personal Trainer, with a specialization in prenatal/postpartum exercise. I have been a Trainer for 10+ years now, but my experience as a Mom has really shaped how I train my clients.

In 2016 my son, Leo, was born. I had been a Personal Trainer for many years, but nothing truly prepared me for pregnancy and childbirth. I had a very challenging pregnancy and an even more challenging birthing experience. Nothing went as planned!

After having Leo, I had a difficult time finding access to accurate information regarding effective postpartum exercise. I didn’t bounce back quickly, even as a Trainer. My core was destroyed and I didn’t even know where to start. I was constantly told, “It’s fine, you just had a baby!” But I wanted to know why and more importantly, HOW to restore my core’s function correctly, among other things.

My son was extremely colicky his first year. He never slept and I encountered adrenal fatigue and hormonal imbalance. Through all of this, #momstrong was born. I dove into the medical research available and prenatal certifications that addressed pelvic floor rehabilitation. #momstrong is more than just a personal training program. It became part of my mission to create a network of supportive, understanding and compassionate Moms who have a common goal of health, fitness & wellness.


How has this community been instrumental in getting you to where you are now?

As a former employee of “The Gym” in town, I am still extremely grateful for the support from our community through that tough ordeal. The State of Connecticut shut the business down without warning, and so many of us were effected negatively. The overall support that my colleagues and I received was amazing. It was those series of events that brought me to where I am now, with my own in-home, Personal Training business.

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