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Here are 5 reasons why you should join a music class with your little one !

* Music making is the most developmental activity you can do with your child. It’s social emotional, physical, cognitive,  speech and language, fine and gross motor and  sensory stimulation wrapped up in a fun and playful experience.
* When your child sees their favorite adult engaged in music making, they get the message that they, too, should experiment freely with music. Parent/ caregiver participation is key to your child’s musical growth, and is a beautiful and meaningful way to bond and connect with them.  .
* Music making is fun for everyone – adults and children. It reduces stress and releases those happy hormones.
* The window of opportunity for your child to develop their music and movement skills begins at birth. Children express themselves freely with music at infancy, beginning with singing around their personal pitch center and characteristic gestures. Your newborn baby will get as much out of the class as your four year old; their participation icicpatio shc out
* Every child is born with the ability to sing on key and move to the beat. This natural aptitude  needs to be nurtured and supported in early childhood, primarily before the age of 5, in order to develop fully.
 A Music Together class is designed to support your little child’s natural abilities in a developmentally appropriate and playful way that allows each child to develop according to their natural style. Our classes allow children to ” download” rich musical experiences, as they experiment freely. Adults act as role models for the children, enabling with every note, every dance move, your little ones are developing their brains and bodies.
It’s not too late to join a Fall class at the pro rated price ! High quality recordings and songbooks, unlimited makeups, week day and weekend classes are offered in locations throughout Fairfield County. Visit our website to set up your trial class or to register today.  Or text (203) 256-1656

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