Meet A Mom Jenn Sproule - Ridgefield Moms

The Sproule Family: Andrew, Michael, Mark, Caroline, Jenn, and Teddy

Meet Jenn Sproule, a Ridgefield mom of four who moved to town in 2015. Jenn works at St. Luke’s School in New Canaan, where she serves as Upper School English Department Chair. She loves “talking with young people about literature” through her job, and on weekends, you can find her at a hockey rink or going on family hikes. Find out more about Jenn and her favorite spots around town.

How many kids do you have, and what are their ages?
My husband Mark and I have four children: Teddy (14), Andrew (14), Caroline (11), and Michael (9). Teddy and Andrew are both in 8th grade at St. Luke’s, and Caroline is in 6th grade at St. Luke’s. Michael is in 4th grade at Veterans Park Elementary School.

When did you move to Ridgefield and what led you to settle there?
We moved to Ridgefield in 2015. Mark grew up in Connecticut and always thought Ridgefield would be the perfect place to raise our family. When his job shifted from New York to Connecticut, we snagged the opportunity to move here and are constantly reminded of what a special place it is.

What are your favorite family activities in the area?
Well, three of my four kids play hockey, so that keeps us pretty busy. When not in a rink, we have taken advantage of Covid-friendly activities like hiking with our dogs on local trails.

What is your role at SLS, and how long have you been there?
This is my fifth year at St. Luke’s School and my second year as the Upper School English Department Chair.

What is the best part of your job?
I get to spend my time talking with young people about literature—it doesn’t get better! I learn something new from them every day. I also appreciate working in a school community that encourages curiosity, risk-taking, and collaboration; my work always feels fresh and exciting as a result.

What have you learned from the past year/teaching through a crisis?
I have learned to slow down, let the little things go, and appreciate all the people in my life. Specific to teaching, I have also learned to embrace the very same technology I once loathed. I am not tech-savvy in the least, and overnight, I had to communicate with my colleagues and teach my students through a computer screen. I am grateful to St. Luke’s for providing rich resources to help me face the massive learning curve ahead of me last spring, and I am especially thankful for the support I have received from our amazing SLS Teach Tech team. I know my teaching going forward will also incorporate some of the great technology I’ve become familiar with this year.

When you need “me time,” what are your favorite ways to escape?
I love to curl up with a good book or play tennis with friends.

What’s the best advice you’ve received from another mom?
The best advice I ever received was from a colleague during my first year teaching, and it applies to all that I care about: “At the end of the day, if you did your best, then that is enough.” Sometimes my best falls short of where I want it to be, and that’s okay.

We like to support local businesses. What are your favorite places in the area to:
Have dinner:  Tequila Escape or 850 Degrees for a family dinner
Grab a drink with friends: Zoom for the moment! When protocols lift, I look forward to grabbing a drink at Gallo again.
Have a date night: Luc’s
Spend time together as a family outdoors: any nearby hiking trails
Grab coffeeRoss Bread
Workout: Ha! Not applicable 🙂

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